Thursday, August 25, 2022

Yokez 叶玉棂 x Lennerd 林健輝《 你的出現 How You Appeared 》Official MV

SUBSCRIBE 訂閱 Yokez 叶玉棂 YouTube頻道 ▶ ▶《你的出現》數位音樂平台全面上架 Yokez's 2nd single "How You Appeared" feat. Lennerd is now available on Spotify, iTunes, KKBOX and all major digital platforms! KKBOX: Spotify: iTunes/Apple Music: Deezer: 繼第一波單曲《明白了》,新加坡獨立創作歌手 Yokez 叶玉棂特別邀請了校園Superstar第四屆4强选手 Lennerd 林健輝跨刀合唱浪漫情歌《你的出現》。兩人在MV裡甜蜜互動又不失搞笑成分,浪漫指數滿點。 Yokez 即將在6月推出個人首張全創作EP,先前發行了第一波單曲《明白了》,而《你的出現》是EP裡的第二波單曲。這首情歌的詞和曲都由 Yokez 一手包辦,靈感來自於多部浪漫喜劇。平時愛追劇的 Yokez 發現許多偶像劇裡的男女主角都誤打誤撞認識,然後從歡喜冤家升級為情侶。後來聯想到「青蛙王子」這個童話故事似乎有相似的地方,因此也把它融入歌詞裡。调皮又浪漫的對唱情歌《你的出現》便誕生了。 Yokez 和新生代男歌手 Lennerd 之前在音樂製作人朋友的推薦下一起合作推出翻唱作品而結緣,兩人合作後一拍即合。決定把满溢著青春活力氛圍的《你的出現》收錄在EP後,Yokez 便馬上邀請了 Lennerd 再次合作。 Lennerd 在MV裡扮演一名年輕攝影師,因太專注於拍攝而不小心破壞了Yokez剛完成的創作,惹來對方的惱怒。即便初次見面不歡而散,接下來的各種巧遇讓兩人逐漸擦出愛的火花,萌发了爱情的苗。 《你的出现》MV采用夸大幽默的劇情,調皮但不失甜蜜成分。 Lennerd 不計形象搞笑演出,在MV裡被 Yokez “揮拳”又“賞巴掌”,逗笑了在場拍攝的工作人员。Yokez 對 Lennerd 的表現打滿分,直呼整個拍攝過程笑聲連連,很過癮! LENNERD 林健輝 YOKEZ 叶玉棂 ……………………………… 你的出現 作詞:Yokez 叶玉棂 作曲:Yokez 叶玉棂 凌晨一二點 無法入眠 眼裡都是你 你的笑顏 總是裝模作樣卻傻得特別 我就是喜歡你的這點 茫茫人群中 你的出現 平淡的日子 不再討厭 反反復復 想起遇到的那天 兩三點還是無法入眠Yeah~ 你的出現 就像公主出游去探險 遇到青蛙王子 看不順眼 卻莫名欽佩 你的真 你的倔 你的對 你的不對 完完全全將我包圍 你的出現 就像公主出游去探險 嘗盡酸甜苦辣不是滋味卻不曾后悔 這一切 都是美 因為有你的出現 不許離開我 不許離開我的世界 凌晨一二點 無法入眠 眼裡都是你 你的笑顏 總是裝模作樣卻傻得特別 我就是喜歡你的這點 茫茫人群中 你的出現 平淡的日子 不再討厭 反反復復 想起遇到的那天 兩三點還是無法入眠Yeah~ 你的出現 就像公主出游去探險 遇到青蛙王子 看不順眼 卻莫名欽佩 你的真 你的倔 你的對 你的不對 完完全全將我包圍 你的出現 就像公主出游去探險 嘗盡酸甜苦辣不是滋味卻不曾后悔 這一切 都是美 因為有你的出現 不許離開我 不許離開我的世界 你的出現 就像公主出游去探險 遇到青蛙王子 看不順眼 卻莫名欽佩 你的真 你的倔 你的對 你的不對 完完全全將我包圍 你的出現 就像公主出游去探險 嘗盡酸甜苦辣不是滋味卻不曾后悔 這一切 都是美 因為有你的出現 不許離開我 不許離開我的世界 不許離開我 不許離開我的世界 ……………………………… 🎵 音樂製作團隊 製作人 Producers : 王寿伟 Jairus Wong 、 陈洁依 Jaye Tan 配唱製作 Vocals Production : Jairus Studio 、叶玉棂 Yokez 、林健輝 Leonard Lim 電吉他 Electric Guitar : 邱承明 Zachary Khoo 木吉他 Acoustic Guitar: 鄭潔伶 Zerlene Cheng 贝斯手 Bassist : 张秉轩 Sebastian Teo 鼓 Drummer : 林刚毅 Lim Gang Yi 弦樂器編寫 Strings : 黄敬诒 Malcolm Wong 钢琴 Keyboardist : 丘淑惠 Sandy Koo 合成器 Synthesizers : 丘淑惠 Sandy Koo 錄音室 Recording Studio : Jairus Studio 錄音師 Recording Engineer : 王寿伟 Jairus Wong 混音師 Mixing Engineer : 王寿伟 Jairus Wong OP: Touch Music Publishing Distribution: CROSS RATIO Entertainment 🎥 MV製作團隊 監製 Producer : 陈洁依 Jaye Tan 製片助理 Assistant Producer : 王寿伟 Jairus Wong 導演 Director : 陈洁依 Jaye Tan 攝影師 Director of Photography : Dinx Carin 特別演出 Starring : 叶玉棂 Yokez 、林健輝 Leonard Lim 剪輯 Editor : 陈洁依 Jaye Tan 調色 Colourist : 施俊豪 Daniel See 字幕 Subtitling : 施俊豪 Daniel See 動畫 Animation : 施俊豪 Daniel See 特別感謝 SPECIAL THANKS Timothy Law for helping out Jaye for your special appearance Jairus Studio Aoyama Hair Studio

Monday, August 22, 2022

FM PHYSIQUE & MUSCLE WAR 2020 - Men's Classic Physique Teens (14-19) - Class B

Note: Please do not cut or exclude FM logo from this video clip when being imported to your Instagram/facebook channel. Thank you. 

We reserve the right to remove comments or any other content we deem unacceptable at our sole discretion, including removing user names, profile pictures and user accounts.

Copyright © 2020 Fitness Movement, All rights reserved.

EMSCULPT NEO - The World's First Combined Technology that Burns Fats and Build Muscles

Mendis Aesthetics and Surgery Proudly Introduces Emsulpt Neo - The World's First Combined Technology that Burns Fats and Build Muscles

Mendis Aesthetics is located in Mandarin Gallery, in the heart of Orchard Road, Singapore.

The clinic focuses on advanced non-invasive technologies that slow down the aging process. 

Dr Mendis has garnered a huge client following both in Singapore and overseas who appreciate his holistic approach to beauty .

Introducing Emsculpt Neo, the world’s first combined technology, that simultaneously burns fat and build muscles. Backed by histology, ultrasound, CT scans, and MRI, clinical studies show an average of 30% fat reduction and 25% increase in muscle mass. 

 Areas that can be treated include the abdomen, buttocks and arms and legs for men and women alike .

 Combining the technologies of both synchronised RF and HIFEM + , heating the muscle while burning fat allows for synergistic effects that result in more fat reduction & muscle growth. 

Synchronised RF achieves apoptotic temperature within 4 minutes resulting in permanent fat cell death. It also allows for increased blood flow that induces lipolysis and further fat breakdown.

 HIFEM+ allows supraphysiological 100% muscle contraction that is humanly not possible. This results in both muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia. (Typically gym goers hit a maximum of 60% muscle contraction).

 This revolutionary combined technology is fast gaining popularity around the world due to its measurable and highly effective results. There is no other treatment on the market that has the dual functionality of fat breakdown and muscle building.

#PrimeVideo: Kai Suites - The first licensed confinement luxury hotel in Singapore

The first licensed confinement luxury hotel in Singapore with holistic, specialised pre- and postpartum care for mothers, including Emsculpt, Exilis Ultra and Emsella treatments. 

For more details, visit:

#emsella #emsellasg #saynotoincontinence

#onlyemsellainSingapore #onlyemsellain

#emsellasingapore #incontinence



#cellulite #cellulitesg  #cellulitereductionsg #cellulitereduction

#skinrejuvenation #skinrejuvenationsg/ #skinrejuvenationtreatment

#noninvasive #noninvasivesg 

#nonsurgical #nonsurgicalsg #nonsurgicalsgbeauty

#emsella #emsellasg #saynotoincontinence

#onlyemsellainSingapore #onlyemsellain

#emsellasingapore #incontinence

#noninvasive #womenshealthsg

#pelvicfloorsg #incontinencesg

#emsellachair #floorandcore

#postpartumjourney #postpartum

#pelvicfloor #repair

#noninvasive #pelvicfloorexercises

#prolapse #pelvicfloorphysicaltherapy

SPIRE Orthopaedic Centre Walkthrough #PrimeMagazine #PrimeMagSG #Singapore

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

[EVENT HIGHLIGHT] Pediatric Cancer #Events #Singapore #VideographySG

[EVENT HIGHLIGHT] Pediatric Cancer #Events #Singapore #VideographySG

[EVENT HIGHLIGHT] Pediatric Cancer #PrimeMagazine

In here, I learned different things.

I learned more of how to stay prevention is better than cure kinda thing.

I don't just do videography...Every event is special and can contribute some things

or wisdon in your life. My charges are reasonable too. That's why my clients are happy

especially those who don't have budget for videography services.

It's a win-win situation.

A Recap of ELDEX Asia 2019 #Singapore #Events #VideographySG

The very first edition of ELDEX Asia 2019 achieved several milestones as set out in the video.

While we are humbled by the strong support from our customers and stakeholders,

we acknowledge there is much more to do for the second edition of ELDEX Asia in Nov 2020.

We continue to welcome feedback so that we can organise an even better and stronger ELDEX Asia

for the eldercare ecosystem.

Hear what our exhibitors have to say about World Food Fair 2019!

Hear what our exhibitors have to say about World Food Fair 2019!

Filmed this with Sony A7Sii plus 24-70 Gmaster lens.

The Tech Show 2019 Highlights #Singapore #Videographers #Eventssg

The Tech Show's gonna be back this year!

Preparing my gears for this. lol!

Stay positive yah!

One of the things I love events is having to achieve to more than 10,000 steps effortlessly.


and of course, I get to meet a lot of amazing people.

Learn a lot of things, especially on the videography technology side.

Really. I will keep doing events.

It's keeping me fit!

Stay fit and earn $$$ at the same!

So shiok, right?

Food & Beverage Fair Day 1 Highlights #WorldFoodfair 2019

Did this before the pandemic and sooo miss it.

Hopefully I'd get the project again.


This was a combination of my Sony A6300, Gopro (timelapse) .

It was a full day event shoot.. Yeah tiring but fun.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Experience and Thoughts of a Knee Replacement Patient #Singapore

Have filmed this with my beloved buddy Sony A7sii, 24-80mm Gmaster lens, 2x Rode Wireless Go ii.

Prime speaks with Mr Abdul Razak, a patient of Dr Henry Chan, on his experience and thoughts after undergoing knee replacement surgery.